Creating equity in negotiations

John Barrows

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Creating equity in negotiations

To create equality, most negotiations focus on a quid pro quo approach to getting things in return for what you’re giving away.

This is necessary sometimes, but it tends to lead to a more contentious relationship.

The good news is, there’s something else you can leverage that’s even more powerful, and that’s a human condition called the Rule of Reciprocity. This rule effectively states that we (as humans) are all bound — even driven — to repay debts.

It works because we don’t like owing anyone anything.

If we give someone something, they actually feel obligated to give something in return. The sooner we ask for something in return, the easier it is for us to get — largely because that feeling of indebtedness is still fresh.

By understanding all the gives and gets along the way and matching them up, we can know exactly what to ask for, and when, in order to move the deal through the pipeline to closure — or get out before it’s too late.

[See original article for deep dive]

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