Free trials Checklist

Jason M. Lemkin

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Free trials Checklist

My learning and rough rule trials and freemium options work well — if you can support them well.

A checklist to ask yourself:

  • Can someone potentially deploy your app in minutes?
  • If they can, would it work well self-deployed? Or does it need a ton of data in it to work well and show value?
  • If it needs a ton of data, can a “demo org” adequately convey that value? I.e., could you prepopulate data and have the self-deployed app show well?
  • Would you yourself want a free trial first, before buying?
  • Would it add value to some of your customers, and increase conversions, if they could try on their own before they bought?

If the answer is yes to these questions, definitely at least try a free trial.

You’ll find as you get bigger, and deal sizes go up, fewer and fewer customers will do the work for a real free trial in enterprise deals at least. More will want your team to do the work 🙂 So it may matter less as time goes on.

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