Customer Success Quadrants

Dale Chang

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Customer Success Quadrants

Right now the growth potential axis is a lot shorter than it was going into 2020.

Customers that slotted into the Invest and Grow buckets are now crowding into the Protect and Nurture buckets. This has a cascade of implications for your customer retention programs:

  • CS resources formerly focused on driving expansion need to shift to retention work.
  • Nurture and advocacy programs need to be adapted to the expanded diversity of customers now in these categories.
  • You need to rethink past decisions about the use of technology vs. personal interaction. In what areas can you continue to rely on marketing automation and nurture campaigns versus replacing those activities with person-to-person outreach?
  • Many team members are shifting into unfamiliar roles, requiring training and support to learn new processes. From their perspectives, it’s almost like starting over. Mix in the impact of RIFs and this is a very delicate situation requiring careful management and communication.
  • You’re going to need to adjust performance metrics and compensation models to restructure incentives to your new focus areas.

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