SDR sales activity planner and notifier

Jeremey Donovan

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SDR sales activity planner and notifier

There are a growing number of tools for sale that help keep activity-focused sales professionals (esp. SDRs and inside sellers) on track.

Having fallen in love with automating spreadsheets, I created a simple one that any sales leader using Google Apps and Salesforce can implement for free.

The key features I wanted were:

  • Send an email to each rep each morning with their minimum activity target
  • Adapt daily targets based on the number of workdays excluding weekends and company holidays
  • Allow reps to be exempted from activity for employer days that take them offline (ex: staffing a trade show booth)
  • Ensure activity targets increase to offset planned vacation (note: overall activity targets should be set to factor in personal time-off such that vacation days do not exempt reps from activity)

Here are the step-by-step instructions which include a link to a Google Sheet that will make the magic happen.

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