Should you participate in an RFP?

Emily Meyer

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Should you participate in an RFP?

Should You Participate in an RFP?

At the end of the day, deciding whether you should participate in an RFP or not is something you should weigh heavily. They are extremely time-consuming, and can be a big gamble.

These are the questions you should ask yourself before diving into an RFP.

  • How much interaction have I had with the business beneficiaries of this RFP?
  • How much in-person interaction will I get to have with the business beneficiaries, decision makers, and influencers of this RFP?
  • Is my product a perfect fit for this business? If not, how critical are those elements you can’t fulfill?
  • What is the initial tone of the person issuing the RFP? Are they a “play by the books stickler,” or are they someone that is going to help you in the process?

Every company will have different risk-tolerances for these kinds of high-risk, high-reward deals. So, sit down with your team, consider these questions, and find out how comfortable you are with the risk of pushing forward with the process.

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