Strategic Account Management


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Strategic Account Management

Strategic account management (SAM) or key account management focuses on building long-term mutually beneficial partnerships with key customers.

Through in-depth research and assessment, strategic account managers find opportunities to drive value for their partners by identifying problems, offering creative solutions, and leveraging partnerships to move both organizations toward their strategic goals.

A formal strategic account management program can:

  • Foster customer loyalty.
  • Stimulate growth.
  • Increase profitability.
  • Drive innovative and scalable service solutions.

Unlike a sales program, which focuses on short-term selling cycles and customer acquisition, strategic management goes a step further to develop deeper relationships with a small number of core customers over time.

In short, sales is about the present. Strategic management is about the future. While the gains may not be immediate, strategic accounts are a vital part of an organization’s long-term success and profitability.

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