Top down account capacity

Dominique Levin

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Top down account capacity

Calculate how many accounts to target based on your sales targets.

Let’s assume an individual rep needs to close 10 deals per year. If the (industry) average Sales Qualified Lead to Close conversion is 33% (but plug in your actual conversion rate here) then this rep would need to work on 30 SQLs during the year to make their number. In our experience, if you diligently work a cold list of accounts, then the account to SQL conversion is about 2.5%. If your leads are warmer and have already been engaged by marketing, that percentage can be as high as 10%.

If we stick to the 2.5% number — then a rep must start with a cold list of 1,212 accounts a year (or 101 per month) to create those 30 SQLs. You can probably achieve the same conversion rate by touching 606 accounts twice a year as you can from touching 1,212 accounts once every 12 months, which can be useful especially if your (initial) target market is (too) small to support all your reps.

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